Tuesday Night Talks
Tuesday Night Talks (TNT) is a weekly lecture series, taking place in January and February, covering all facets of 1800's life and the history of St. Joseph, MO. Doors open at 6:15pm - Speakers begin at 7pm - All talks held at Pony Express Museum Community Room.
1-23-24 - "Master Builders and St. Joseph's Early Architecture" by Ron Auxier, Retired Principal Architect
1-30-24 - “National Parks in a Wooden Boat" by Greg Hatten, Explorer & Consultant
2-6-24 - “Dinosaurs, Mammoths & Hominids...Oh My!" by Sarah Elder, Executive Director, Remington Nature Center
2-13-24 - “Apple Blossom: Our Annual Rite of Spring for 100 Years" by Ken Rosenauer, President, Apple Blossom
2-20-24 - “Reminiscent Stories of the Pony Express" by Joseph K. Houts, Jr., Pony Express Board of Directors
2-29-24 - “Research into the Harry L. George Ethnographic Collection” by Robert Corder (Thursday)
Thank you to Commerce Bank for their continued support of the Pony Express Museum Legacy through their sponsorship of Tuesday Night Talks.